
Winter Project Competition

I know I have ongoing projects for myself but I'd also like to branch out into making garb for others as well as things for myself. With that in mind I've started a competition and encourage everyone to enter! The prize will be to have something tailored to and constructed for you from start to finish. I'll help you to source period materials and make the whoel thing using period techniques and period finishes. It will be entirely hand-made i.e., with no machine sewing (I make all of my garb this way).

All you need to do to enter is to post your ideas as a reply to this post and then vote for your favourites. You can have two votes, one for an idea of someone else's and one for an idea of your own (you can submit multiple ideas!). Include sketches, pictures, swatches and any other materials in addition to your detailed ideas. Entries will need to be in by midnight on June 1st (before the start of my exams). During the two weeks after that voting will be finalised; on the 15th I'll count them up. I will take on whichever idea has the most votes and dedicate my midyear break to making a beautiful idea into reality! I'll take photos and document the planning and construction for my blog and you keep the finished project. If you want to, you can get involved in the process and learn period tailoring techiques. If not, you still get the pretty clothes with none of the effort :)

All of the ideas will stay up and, if this first competition is successful, I'll run it again at the end of the year. If you don't win and want to try making your project for yourself, I'll give as much advice as you would like to hear on how to get it going (although there's always plenty of advice around if you ask, and from other people more qualified than me!).
Edited 7 March 2012:

Okaaaaay! So, something went really really wrong with this page and somehow, rather than creating my new post last night it replaces all of the information from this page with my last update instead! I replaced the dodgy post and hopefully I have all of the necessary information here - if I've missed anything out please let me know!



  1. Ok, feeling up to a challenge?

    I've come to a decision regarding my persona - I want to be a Scotsman in the English court in the late 1540's.


    I'm happy to help however I can (especially with fabric, as it gets expensive), and I definitely want to learn how to make this sort of thing for myself, so I can continue to expand my wardrobe.

    How's that for a competition entry?!

    William Montrose

    1. Yes! I love this idea! Definitely want a chance to make some man-garb and I love the Henrician-Elizabethan transition flavour. Thanks for being my first submission - now I know I'll have something to work on at the very least! Not to mention it being something that will look awesome and be heaps of fun to make. Thanks so much xxx

  2. Entry time!! I've been having a hard time deciding what to suggest - there's so much cool garb that I want!

    Here is a picture of Princess Elizabeth:

    It's later in the period than I would usually like to wear, but it's the most beautiful dress in the entire universe.

    It was on my List of Things to Make When I Can Sew Better, but I thought it would be a good competition entry too. :D

    I'm looking forward to voting!

    - Elizabeth Rowe

    Also, can I enter more ideas? I have so many ideas!!!!

    1. Woohoo! Cloth of gold and plucked velvet. You have expensive tastes ;) It's beautiful, I love it, and I'm so excited to have another entry!

      Yes, you can suggest as many entries as you like but you can only submit one vote for a project of your own - you'll have to pick your favourite. Don't forget to give some thought to how you'd like to achieve it in terms of materials and costs (though I'm going to do what I can to contribute).

      Keep them coming!

      xxx E.C.
