Thursday, 16 February 2012

1525 Wardrobe Project

After thinking a lot about my goals for costuming, I eventually decided to do my best to recreate the wardrobe of an upper-middle class woman, likely a yeoman's or possibly a burgess' wife or daughter. I need something that will keep me interested but also let me pick things up and put them down depending on what I feel like working on at the time.

Over a period of a few years I've managed to track down and read a few primary and secondary references to what was worn, when and by whom in a way that could be applied to considering the total number of garments a person might have. Books and papers have been produced concerning the issue. There are a number of records and papers around that relate to bequeathment made by men and women of the Tudor period. These lists of worldly belongings often included items of clothing, and give a reasonable idea of the kind of clothing that may have belonged to a single person during the early 16th century.

My current plan is to eventually make these items:
- 5 smocks
- 5 pair hose
- 2 "workaday" kirtles
- 3 workaday gowns of varying styles for every day
- 1 fine petticote for special occasions
- 1 fine kirtle for special occasions
- 1 gown for special occasions

- 3 pair gloves

- 3 coifs
- 2 hoods
- 3 frontelets for early style hoods
- 1 fine gable hood and lappets for special occasions
- girdles
- Rosary
- purse
- modest jewellery
- 2 pair shoes
- 1 pair boots

I've probably left out a whole bunch of essential things but that will give me something (read: "a lot") to be getting on with. I'll keep adding the projects one by one as I start them!

 ~ E.C.

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