Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Overdue updates!

Hello my lovelies!

I'm so overdue for an update but uni has been crayzay! But I've been making a few plans in the time I've skived off from study and I'm taking a quick procrastination break to share them with you  <_<

1. Finalised 1525 Wardrobe list

I'm going to make a separate post after this for the list so that I can keep it separate and refer to it easily. You can find the list here. I AM SO SO SO EXCITED TO FINALLY HAVE A FIRM PLAN FOR MY PROJECT!

2. Patterning for other people!
I had dinner with my lovely friend William on Easter Monday and patterned for him a Henrician/Elizabethan transition doublet based on a famous portrait of Edward VI ( I forgot to take my camera (guh >_<) but hopefully he'll be kind enough to let me pin him back into it and take a photo to show you soon :)

If anyone else has a project planned - please keep me in mind if you need to be patterned. I want to expand my knowledge to different periods and patterning methods and help as many people as possible. Everything looks soooo much better when made from a proper pattern! 

3. Roward festival 2013 plans
I've only travelled to Rowany Festival once (in 2011) since I started with the SCA a few years ago. It was an overwhelming experience but I'm looking forward to going again with a better idea of how amazing it is and how to get the best out of the weekend! Festival is held over the Easter long weekend near Sydney, so for those of us on the far side of the country the planning is usually a bit more complicated and the costs greater than for most. Festival 2012 has just been and everyone has said it was fantastic so I'm going to start planning and saving for next year.

For me, planning means garb, mostly! The last time I went I took way too much - it was actually at this event that I decided to create a concise wardrobe for my persona rather than making infinite items that don't work as well together. Last time I wore a couple of kirtles and gowns, chemises, some socks, wellies/gumboots (the site is usually too wet for period shoes), and a few other accessories like headwear and girdles. This packs into about half a suitcase and is much better than taking EVERYTHING I OWN... which is what I actually did. And didn't wear a lot of it, just dragged it across the continent like a dork.

So, the items of garb I want to take to next year's Festival will be the first ones I make from my Wardrobe List! I'll decide what they'll be over the next little while and let you know.

4. My brown woolen kirtle is complete!
I actually finished the thing - I just haven't taken photos yet. That's one of the reasons I've put off posting for soooo long. But I'll take them tonight and upload them for your viewing pleasure so that I can get them out of the way and get a move on with all of  my other things!

Wheeeeeee *motivation*

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